Organisations Involved
The construction of Ginny Holes Environmental Playscheme was project managed by Harrogate Borough Council in partnership with Spofforth Parish Council . It is built on land managed by the Parish Council, who set up a dedicated steering group to oversee the design and construction of the site. North Yorkshire County Council, as the accountable body for the principle funding, helped oversee the development of the site, and the County Council’s Creative Engagement Team provided support to the Parish Council in involving local children and residents throughout the project.
Through the North Yorkshire Play Partnership, North Yorkshire County Council granted £50,000 towards the development of playscheme, money which was part of the Playbuilder programme. The Playbuilder programme is a national initiative funded by the Department for Children, Schools and Families to support the development of new play areas which allow for freedom, exploration and contact with the natural world. The Ginny Holes Environmental Playscheme is a testament to what this can achieve.
Harrogate Borough Council funded a further £12,000, including contributions from developers and a play grant of £5,000. The Big Lottery, awarded a grant of £10,500 through its Breathing Spaces programme and a large number of local donations helped to raise further money, which has been spent on developing the natural aspects of the site, such as wildflowers.